Meet the 2023-2024 Committee
BREAD's Committee consists of individuals who are determined to work hard to see our mission grow and develop.

Co-President & Film Representative
Amy Oh
3rd year NatSci, Clare College
"I'm looking forward to fostering a supportive community of creatives and facilitating students to realise their unique creative visions!"

Theo Chen
2nd year English, Hughes Hall
"I can't wait for BREAD to become the thing you have to talk about when you talk about Cambridge Theatre."

Senior Treasurer
Suchitra Seb
Physics, Fellow
Co-founder of BREAD
"I am looking forward to lots of creative energy, experimenting with new types of stories and storytelling."

Secretary & Junior Treasurer
Nimisha Iyer
2nd year HSPS, Selwyn College
"I am most looking forward to exploring diverse texts in our play reading sessions."

Social Media & Communications Officer
Orchid Balgobin
3rd year English, Jesus College
"I want BREAD to be though about alongside other major Cambridge Theatre organisations instead of disappearing into the background."

Outreach Officer
Salma Salifu
2nd year MML, Corpus Christi College
"I'm really excited to get the word out about BREAD across Cambridge! In particular the film scene at ARU is amazing and I'd love for us to benefit from each other's resources."

Workshops Officer
Irisa Kwok
2nd year English, Sidney Sussex College
"I'm looking forward to how we push the boundaries of the narrartives we want to support."